Friday 20 September 2013



salam semua.. *ayat cm ramai gile peminat aku na bace -.- .. bhahahaha.. tuka2.. salam kpd pembaca..ekeke..

hari ni gua na kecek yahudi sikit ni boleh ke dop..?bhahaha..ehh..kelate plop tubik..ekekeke..korang tau ta kecek yahudi ni..aduuhh..mesti dop tau kali..bhahaha..jom ikot jom..Y...A...H..U...D...I...yahudi..haaa..tu boleh....hehehe :P ok2..serius2..aku ade sikit ayat ni..

this world has nothing worth noting, but we have plenty of love on our hands , those who have faith will act on behalf of their unwavering love , if  i could fight destiny , i'd act on all of 
my feelings..

n lg satu ni panjang sikit..

my hopes for the future overflow from within. as my cruel fate hangs heavy over head. in this fleeting tranquility , i submit to slumber and i think only of you. i begin to realize my reasons for fighting, i had locked deep in my heart, and whilst i dream of you, who rules my unconscious thoughts, my forgotten grief of the waking world fades into the sky.

please don't use google translate ye..kang lain bunyinye -.- bahase yahudi tahap korang kene faham sendiri la..bhahaha..klau aku silap tu, korang simpan dlm hati..hehehehe :P k je tok hari ni >.<